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Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis

"Come talk to Us"

Come Volunteer with Us

We Cordially Invite you to

Join Our Cause as a Volunteer!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us at Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis. We greatly appreciate to no end, the volunteers who find it in their hearts and spirts to support the individuals and families served by Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis. You are invited to choose among two types of volunteer opportunities we offer which are direct service (involves client interaction) and indirect service (Administrative Support).

Please review the descriptions in the (Volunteer Opportunities link below) for each capacity of our volunteer opportunities and select from such choices.

Upon your selection of your choice, please follow-up with the completion of our volunteer application. If you still have questions/concerns regarding these opportunities, please feel free to contact our Volunteer, Events, & Coordinator Ameillia Griffin-Young-Volunteer, Events, and Communication Manager, at agyoung@bhiogstl.org.

To begin the application process, please complete the volunteer form by clicking the Apply button located on Volunteer Application page.

Thank You once again for your interest in joining our mission, and we look forward to further collaborating with you throughout the application process.


Harold Mangrum

Harold Mangrum

Chief Executive Officer

Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis

Tell Us a Little About Yourself!