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Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis

"Come talk to Us"



One rainy evening in 2013 while running errands on his day off, a Substance Abuse Counselor encountered an individual whom had received services at a facility in 1999 where this Counselor worked as a Program Tech during this client's multiple episodes of treatment attempts. This client was in tears because she had recently got word that her father whom had endured a 2-year battle with cancer passed away early that morning. Maryann had not gotten a chance to say good-bye to him, which modified the traumatic effects of losing her father. Maryann's discussion of the situation revealed the fact that she was never able to develop the emotional capacity to endure the physical presence of her father for more than 10-15 minutes at a time without being overtaken by the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. Even after Maryann's father became ill , his presence awakened in her mind, the horrifying memories of trauma inflicted on her by her father. A series of emergency interventions was provided for Maryann through voluntary and joint efforts among the counselor and an off-duty member of the Case Management team from at local shelter. Maryann has been free from illicit substances for 6 years now, has has addressed the clinical portion of her issues in therapy, has just completed a Masters Degree in Social Work, and continues to live a sober, healthy, productive life with the help of her support systems.These efforts sparked the unplanned conception of a volunteer-based initiative, which has revolved as a clinical & case management interventions organization called Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis. This counselor with the support of a team of community volunteers has been providing volunteer emergency referral services throughout the Metropolitan St. Louis area ever since that night. In April 2017, this commitment to the continuation of these efforts was incorporated in the State of Missouri under the name of Behavioral Health Interventions of Greater St. Louis and became established as a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization and has continued to provide volunteer-based referrals for clinical interventions and Case Management.